Thursday, September 23, 2010


Real bored this week..............seems like every day has been extended like anything. I've no topic even to write on,feeling very very...............(tends to infinity) lazy. With this post of mine i guess i could even make the readers feel lazy.On top of that it was coupled with few holidays and few heartbreaks and few missed moments shit man.............
Last week my group of friends had arranged a nightout at Matheran which was awesome(got to know the antics from them).....i could go just coz few mistimed bouts of fever and kopfschmerzen. They had a hell lot of time there wrestling with monkeys and getting the animals out of them.Missed a lot,but ki farak painda hai there's always a next time.Hope that there's another trip somewhere else with the same zeal :) :) and with the same animal( :P ) in them ;)
Talking about being bored.......even bored to type in normally...........zzzzz.............zzzzzzzzzzz..........
Hope next post is sensible.........but one thing is for sure,the blog has lived upto its name "The anything BLoG" what variety....cyaaa folks until nachtes tag!!!!! tschüss....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Android Operating system man i've just fallen in love with this OS.Its become the buzzword these days. Many handset providers have launched a wide range of Smartphones which have Android as OS(Operating system). Be it the HTC-Google Nexus or Samsung's WAVE & GALAXY or Sony Erricson's Xperia, the sales of Android operated phones have increased to upto 15%(please checkout the quarter sales on the official sites), even if Nokia Symbian OS still rules the roost in terms of low end mobiles.
Basically its an operating system developed by Google GNU ( unix like operating systen developed by the GNU project) and Linux kernel(layman's terms the central component of computer operating system). Android has its applications running on JAVA programming language mostly Google developed also has released "App inventor" for newbies.Android was developed by intially by Android Inc.(Later acquired by Google).
Being an Opensource,its really expanding in terms of application development and companies are trying to get Efficient yet affordable handsets in coming days. Hope the Androids hit the markets having prices less than about Rs.10000(height of hope!!!!) in few months....want to have one :) :)..................Recent Android operating system is the Android 2.2(Froyo) on Linux kernel and inQ4 another operating system 2.6 in this "anandi ananda gade jikde tike chohikade" in case of Android development.
Its a real killer in terms of applications and functionality when combined with a great hardware....e.g a Qualcomm Snapdragon 1GHz processor in Nexus and also in terms of affordability compared to iPhones.
So look for a new Android near you, i'm sure it will charm you...............

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No Words for you

While thinking about what to write for my next post,suddenly i was reminded of a story,not a story but in actual a play which i read a few days was written by Thornton Wilder about Love and how to cure it. I couldn't stop wondering at the coincidence that it happened at the same time when things around me are more or less the same. Talking about the story,its about a young Cambridge Grad student Arthur(Note: This is set in the Victorian Era) who is madly in love with a ballet performer by the name Linda.........but as all the love stories have a twist in the tale there's ought to be one.Linda isn't interested in being in a relationship,so Arthur isn't quite keen on giving up on his attempts to let her know about her feelings and all that emotional tochan follows after that.........i couldn't get the link of the play,but you guys can read it. At the end,Arthur gets realizes that there's no point in really forcing a move,but to get into the sidelines. He at the end of the play tells Linda that(I don't remember the exact dialogues ),"Thanks for everything that you have been to me, i cant really force you to be in love with me but i'll be really happy for you..........its just that now if your happy then there's nothing i wish for....thanks for everything."
For this Linda replies,"Hey i haven't done anything for you, you've just wasted your time on such things........."
On this Arthur tries to explain her,"Linda if you think I've wasted my time on you then its totally wrong,when you'll really love someone you'll get to know what it feels.....i wont bother you again.....goodbye forever"
This really stirred a few emotions,this story was written in 1950's but still stands true.........still every one goes through the same again and again knowing the fate......just knowing one thing that's i didn't waste my time being in love.
I guess accepting what is possible rather than, running after a mirage is good on either part.As someone has said that, Do not cry about what has gone past you, be happy that it happened.
I would like to post a poem by a friend of mine who requested me to keep his name a secretso its for u buddy::::
First love all over again,
Memories that never wane,
And lately I find
You're on my mind,
and I am catching
the midnight train.

Christmas hearts are aflame,
Lights shine bright
O'er the plain.
I am travelling tonight
To re-live the delight
of first love over again.

Hold me my love in the rain,
We will shelter in lovers lane,
With no more sorrow
We will treasure tomorrow
Because I am here
on the midnight train.

Tschüess bis dann  :)