Saturday, December 17, 2011

So Stupid of me!!!

Some random Conclusions(NOTE: These are author’s views you are free to contradict) o.O
·         Things which people find boring are generally nerdy (psst let them read this).
·         Things which students find boring are always study related.
·         Things which girls find boring are always good...e.g football, booze, bikes, cars, ummm sex!!!
·         Things which teenagers find boring are generally told by adults.
·         Things which are banned,illegal or aren't morally right the most tempting.
·         There are more Manchester United fans than population of India.
·        An 'average' Manu fan still believes Ronaldo plays for Manchester United(word of caution:please don't faint if some actually say it was the Brazilian Ronaldo)
·       An average engineering student spends his time more on honing his shorthand script and memory than actually studying Engineering.
·     An average CA student is the most hardworking guy of the lot.(My engineering friends would not appreciate because they work more on things.....but things which are better not mentioned)
·         Violin is the saddest instrument ever created....courtesy Mohabbatein n Shahrukh Khan.
Simple strip of how violinists in India are treated

·         If you know how to strum a guitar string....You ROCK brooooo!!!!!(Implied sarcasm,no offense)
·         You can find a Ted and a Barney around you but no Marshall because there are no lilies out there.
·         The only thing Guys waste their most time on.....Selecting their Fantasy premier league team for the next gameweek.
·         Half of the people(did I quote a higher number?? *surprised*) who use smartphones never actually use it to the fullest extent.(Most of them are content with playing HD games or logging on to Facebook,making calls and receiving them, texting)
·         Ignorance is may never want to know what your gf/bf did last summer!!!!

Hope i can come up with more of these!!!

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