Friday, November 12, 2010


Some times i think of things which i could never tell to someone.....not even my best friends. Couldn't share it with people who are close to me, don't know the reason for it. Things do get sorted out sometimes but it doesn't materialize always . Few moments do come into our lives when we create a girth around us that we allow no one to interfere..........but its really of no use, isolating thoughts is a good technique but somtimes it hurts the other person. This post might be abstract to people reading but cant help it.
Again a little peom by my friend who wishes to be anonymous:

It’s for a nobody who was somebody for me some tym ago
It’s for a nobody for whom my words were true
Somebody who thought of me as a nobody
Somebody who faked it all just like the words

It’s for a thing which remained incomplete
It’s for a thing which remained in dreams

It’s always for things which I didn’t hear
It’s always for thoughts which never realized

It’s for promises which couldn’t materialize
It’s for heartbreaks which were silent

It’s for things which I thought happen for the good
It’s for things….those same which saddened me

It’s always the same all over again….
But this time the November rain ends…..

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